DPA developed covid-safe operating practices for 360 Play group of FECs
The Global Covid 19 Pandemic has had a devastating effect on the attractions industry and any sector that delivers their product directly to the customer face to face. The smiles and the contact are the life blood of our industry and finding ways to deliver our smiles with a mask has been a global challenge in 2020. With the light at the end of the tunnel finally coming into sight, DPA are offering new levels of business support that have been created for its own group companies throughout the past year.
As the global attractions sector emerges from its near year long hibernation, DPA see there will be many needs across new sectors as a direct result of the pandemic. As the economic adjustments continue to be felt for some time, park, attraction, and local authority operators are looking at more efficient ways to deliver their products and ways to develop new offerings with limited budgets. The multi disciplinary teams at DPA are now on hand to offer cost effective support at all levels of the industry.
New key business support areas are in:
Covid-Safe Operations Procedures
Company Restructuring
Board Level Support roles
Full on-site operational support
Masterplan makeovers
Place making support to the shopping mall sector
“This has been a year of learning for us in the attractions sector, particularly from our first hand experience from within our seven operating sites in the UK. We have also learnt much as the global sector has come together to share experiences good and bad. As we look to 2021 and beyond we stand ready to share our learnings and support other organisations through our passion for the industry. We have now got some more bespoke support we can give operators, local authorities, and shopping centres when facing the positive effects of the pandemic as well as the negative ones” Lee Waters Director of Operations 360 Play Group-DPA
If you are looking for support in the reopen, from operational issues through to strategic short term management workshops, please do reach out to us and we would love to join your conversations and support your thinking.